Fittings for ladies’ bras

A very important sector of our company. All of the complex machinery in this sector has been designed and assembled by us. It is the result of much work and much imagination over many decades, and it is continuously updated. We operate with three completely automated lines which allows us to process and Nylon coat several tens of thousand pieces per hour. Our main target is ladies’ underwear, mostly bra fittings, i.e. Rings, Slides, Hooks and Suspender frames which we punch with our machines and coat with our Maxicoat system and therefore with no point of prehension, i.e. no coating discontinuity; also underwires for bras made of zinc coated wire and polyamide coated, with terminal drops in epoxypolyesther. We export inEuropeand other parts of the world a significant part of our production. All our products areOeko-Texcertified according to European standards, partuculary concerning items in touch with the skin. Besides our coating machinery we also own rumbling machinery for cleansing small metal items.